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Invoke tasks

Here we use Invoke as our task management tool.

You can use the container's bash to test these commands.

docker compose run --rm bash


inv -l  # show all tasks
inv [task] -h  # show task help message
inv console -e [env]  # run application console (ipython)
inv spec  # run BDD testing (need to run `inv` in another process, and make sure the API server has been started)
inv -e [env] -p [port]  # run FastAPI server with specified settings (add `-r` or `--reload` to use auto-reload)
inv -p [port]  # rerun FastAPI server in development environment
inv -p [port]  # run FastAPI server in test environment
inv -p [port] -h [host] -w [workers]  # run FastAPI server in production environment (with gunicorn)
inv  # examine coding style with flake8
inv quality.metric  # measure code metric with radon
inv quality.all  # run all quality tasks (style + metric)
inv quality.reformat  # reformat your code using isort and the black coding style
inv quality.typecheck  # check type with mypy
inv quality  # same as `inv quality.all`