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Run with Docker

You can use the notifier easily with Docker Compose.
Before that, make sure you have all the configurations set up as mentioned before.

For convenience, you can use a .env file with all the necessary variables configured as follows:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<aws credentials>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<aws credentials>
export AWS_REGION=<aws credentials>
export CLONE_QUEUE=<aws sqs queue>
export SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL=<slack webhook url>

Then source the configuration file:

source .env

Notice that it is not recommended to export all these credentials directly in the shell since these will be logged into shell history if not inserted through secure input.
Don't do that especially when you're using a shared device that might be accessed by multiple users.

Example usage

docker compose run --rm worker  # send daily clone reports based on development configurations
ENV=production docker compose run --rm worker  # send daily clone reports based on production configurations
docker compose run --rm console  # run console

After execution, the clone report will be sent to your Slack channel.